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Trees and Children

Many friends of the family have been working for memory of Nawang without our plodding them at all. One such close friends of the family are Parul and Ketan Shah. Parul had known Nawang almost since he was born. They have been to the Himalaya together, done plenty of trekking; scolded him, adored him and even quarrelled with Nawang like a true family friend. Her father has a farm little outside Bombay and for the birthday of her own daughter, Jhanvi (named after a Himalayan river near Gangotri) she decided to invite about 60 children from her school and give them trees to plant in memory of Nawang. These young children were explained about the great Indian Army and the Gorkha soldiers that Lt. Nawang represented. Then each of them planted one sapling in a very orderly fashion which will be now looked after at the farm. Each child and their parents carried back some memories of Nawang with them that day. It is in such small gestures that memories grow and multiply.