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Chaudhry Family

With the Chaudhry Family

by Sarita Chaudhry

Sarita Chaudhry is a very close friend of the family. She has known Nawang all his life. 

Whenever I think of Nawang, I think of a bright shining star lighting the dark skies.

His smile was magical and infectious. It had the power to brighten up the dullest moments. This enchanting smile accompanied with his ever twinkling mischievous eyes, was enough to penetrate into anybody’s heart. So it was no surprise that Nawang was the darling of all.

I remember the many treks me and my husband Vinni, had with his parents Geeta n Harish. Nawang was aware of my weak back and pain in my knees. Despite of all my resistance, he would quietly come from behind , snatch away my rug sack n quickly put it on his own and then, with his charming smile extend his hand to support me. With a spontaneous blessing which arose from my heart, I would let him support and guide me through the rugged paths.

Nawang was an extremely sensitive child. Yes, I would call him a child always because he had this childlike innocence about him. Pure and innocent. Well, Harish and Vinni have a unique and beautiful relationship. Throughout the trip these two would pull each other’s leg, and Vinni would kick Harish often on his buttocks. Now it so happened that a few times when Harish came to our house, tired and hungry, looking forward to a lavish Punjabi meal, he was served rajmaa and paneer dishes, special dishes for the Punjabis, but detested by Harish. So once when Harish was coming to our house in Delhi for a few days, Vinni received a letter from Nawang, in which, after the usual niceties, Nawang wrote

“Vinni uncle please don’t serve my Baba rajmaa and paneer and please please don’t kick him”   This letter became immortal amongst the four of us.

As Geeta and I have known each other since the first year of our collage, our children literally grew up together. On vacations, we were like one big happy family. All the children had many funny stories to tell about me, and Nawang had decided to publish a book on all my funny antedotes. Oh! How I miss that book.

I could go on and on, remembering Nawang. But let me end by saying that he will be forever alive in our hearts, brightening its depths with his charming smile.