I envy you the passion
With which you did the task, that work.
The compassion
You felt when an injured mate fell. No shirk-
Ing, no fear, hesitation, nor fault.
You sensed danger, ordered cover, but didn’t halt.
You must have been ecstatic, in the knowledge
That you had in you that latent, potent courage
That none but you knew of till that moment.
It was then or never. It was sufficient
For you to have discovered you had in you
What out of many millions but a few
Have: Guts.
No buts,
Duty had to be done and you did it,
The cost was irrelevant.
You know, wherever you are,
That most live for years together without living at all
And for you, life came crowding into one precious hour.
One speeding bullet made you fall.
And raised in many hearts respect, pride,
Some showed it openly, some did hide
The fact that they, like me,
Also felt a sense of envy
For what I (or they) haven’t/couldn’t have done
For self, for the country, for anyone.
By Sheela Jaywant
Sheela Jaywant is the sister of Geeta Kapadia. As someone who was married to a soldier, she has been familiar with men in uniform, those who have displayed courage in its highest form, and a few who have sacrificed their lives because of it, for India. She believes that soldiers on the field never die. Their spirit lives on strongly around those who have known them, always.