Poems >> Poems written in Memory of Nawang >> That Smile

That Smile

That Smile

by Savita Apte

Savita Apte is Lt. Nawang Kapadia’s aunt. We call her Savita Mavshi


That Smile  was all gummy and toothless  – it lit up your face…..

That Smile was so innocent as you jumped into my open arms….

That Smile was so sleepy as you  reached out to tok tok my ear lobe…..

That Smile was determined as you reached out to tok tok the nice lady on the bus.

That Smile was so cheerful as you acrobatted your way onto my lap….

That Smile was so puzzled when Bai Mummy thought it was a Marathi word and we thought it was a Gujarati word for hairpin…..

That Smile was so annoyed when we couldn’t ‘read’ your ‘writing’…..

That Smile was so suspicious as Siddhanand Bhaoji offered you ice cream…..

That Smile was so victorious as you got to sit on the front seat in the car…..

That Smile was so pointed as you showed us the lovely mothers with make up and nail polish. …

That Smile was so questioning  as you looked up at me as I stood up to get married…..

That Smile was filled with  longing as you came to eat hot dogs  and hamburgers….

That Smile was so caring as you held Tanaya’s hand as she got into the lift….

That Smile was so sweet when you bought Tanaya  a Barbie for Bhao Beez….

That Smile was so brotherly as you taught Tanaya how to play cards….

That Smile was a little worried as we rushed to pick up Tanaya after the Bombay blast – and she wasn’t there……

That Smile was so sad when we left for London….

That Smile was so gentle when you held Bai Mummy’s hand……

That Smile was so crooked when you fought with Sonam…..

That Smile hardly appeared when you had to study……

That Smile was so proud when you opened the new air conditioned showroom….

That Smile was so protective when you came to my meetings…..

That Smile was so wicked when we had Bhel on the road……

That Smile was so satiated after a  jalebi and fafda…..

That Smile was so shy when you told me about Her….

That Smile was cloaked in greed when we ordered kebabs…..

That Smile was so triumphant when you got into the Army…..

That Smile was so content when we performed the Satya Narayan before you left…..

That Smile was so cajoling as you pointed out the flat in Kamal Mahal that I should have….

That Smile was truly happy when I said goodbye that day……

That Smile had so much to say….

That Smile said it all….

That Smile was YOU….

I still miss That Smile.


Savita mavshi